Friday, 14 September 2012

I really have nothing to say today apart from curse. From which I will try and refrain from doing. Or try and keep it to the absolute minimum today.
DKJFKDBBDJKJJAZSVHFIYAKJHSAOK < This is what I feel like. Oh and what a lovely feeling it is too.
People. Just people. People are shit. Mankind, is shit. Humans, are SHIT.
You will get to a point in your life where you realise that every single person that you know, talks absolute fucking bullshit. Who ever they are. Every single person on this earth, deserves the biggest punch to their right temple. Including me. You also get the few that will say "We're unique, we don't lie, we're not hypocrites, I'm not biased, nor prejudice.." Etc. Oh please. What bloody piece of rahted cow's arse is that crap?! Sometimes I have the strongest urge to just kick someone in the face, for whoever actually pushes me to that point, you deserve it.
The world we live makes me want to throw myself out of my top window :)
Anyone ever had those days where all you can do, is curse. Like all the fucking time. ALL THE TIME. You just can't stop, and your brain tends to mix up all the curses together, making it feel evermore powerful. Unfortunately, that word never gets sent to your mouth, to use on other's to destruct their meaningless optimism.
OSIXDHIUSAHUIS I hope you get jabbed in the nose with your own knee.