Thursday, 20 March 2014

The deepest scar comes from someone that doesn't understand nor realise the depths of your devotion. Dismisses it and tells you to concentrate on yourself, but how? HOW. How...
All I care for is you.
When will you begin to realise

Thursday, 13 March 2014

"I’m real tired of seeing skinny white kids painted as THE AVERAGE QUEER. Like please show me a curvy Indian agender kid from Brooklyn, a hispanic lesbian and her black girlfriend. A trans demisexual dude from Korea. GIVE ME SOMETHING OTHER THAN LANKY PALE PEOPLE WITH COLORFUL HAIR PLEASE GOD."

This is probably the best thing I've seen for ages; because it is 110% true. The media's representation of the LGBT community has become so corrupted with the overall image of skinny white kids with 10+ facial piercings and multicolored hair plastered almost everywhere related to LGBT, has recently increased it's already earned tag as the "gay" look. However, is it wise to present the question; WHY? Why must we be presented as this new wave of people, because really and truly how different are we from the rest of you? I think this quote really hits home for me, due to first hand experience. I'm constantly getting the same reaction when I tell people my sexuality: "Really?! You don't look like it!" But really and truly, what am I meant to look like? And as a young bisexual female it frustrates me, am I truly meant to go out of my way to cut my hair into that "gay" style, dye it a "gay" colour, and dress in a "gay" way for me to actually express my true identity? The saddest thing is that our generation is a slave to stereotype; I know because I myself have been a victim of this. Being young the process of 'coming out' is very daunting. I've certainly only started to feel more at ease with expressing my sexual preference in the last year or so. However part of 'coming out' is exploring your options, exercising your game, easing yourself into the 'scene' (or whatever you prefer) and really and truly, the hardest part of that for me was actually letting girls know I was bi (or more specifically making lesbian, or bisexual girls aware that I'm actually open for them to make a move if they wished to) because I couldn't exactly plaster I'M INTO GIRLS TOO, LET'S FUCK everywhere, it's hardly the most subtle approach. So I too followed this stereotypical "gay" image. I dyed my under layer green, and got my septum pierced (I also cut my hair however that was for a different reason), I thought this was the easiest and most subtle way to ease myself in. And it did get me more attention, not surprisingly, but it wasn't me. And it still isn't me, I loved my natural brown, more than any colour I could ever dye. It saddens me to know that more inexperienced young people succumb to recreating the look of 'the average queer' because they may not know any better. Considering that 4.6 percent of people with a Black decent responded "yes" when asked if they identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender, along with four percent of Hispanics, 4.3 percent of Asians and 3.2 percent of Caucasians - It's surprising and very slightly offensive that the media hasn't attempted to publicise the wide diversity of the gay, lesbian and transgender community. 
            Secondly it's about time we address the issue of stereotyping gay or lesbian couples. #!*^*$"XDGJVJF THIS IS A PROBLEM! I hate sitting down to watch a film or a TV series which does include a lesbian or gay couple and finding out that instead of casting one of the wide range of multiracial or other various types of couple, it's always the same thing. Most commonly with gay couples in the media, one  totally butch and the other an inexplicable camp, flamboyant, extrovert. But also the lesbian couple (or the lesbian fling, because I mean that's all it ever is before it gets reported off of TV for the pornographic content that is never even justified), the two stunning girls with long glossy hair, and perfect facial features; they stumble into some sort of attraction, kiss in the most unrealistically strange places, then one of them cheats on the other with their ex. It's all so forced, undoubted sex appeal, that objectifies women and lesbians in general. LESBIANS WEREN'T MADE SOLELY FOR THE PLEASURE OF MAN in no way. Granted it does happen, fair enough, but we are people, it's not fair to shovel one group of people into a pile, then label them with a purpose - because it seems to be the same guys that ostracize gay men and gay couples that spend their evenings getting off to lesbian porn. Like I said, this is a problem. And no one seems to want to face it. 

Lesbians aren't all butch, or plastic porn stars, gay couples don't always comprise of one butch and another camp. Everyone part of the LGBT community doesn't have rainbow coloured hair and 50 piercings, and you don't have to make yourself up in that way if you're not feeling that. And the end of the day we're all human, and what should define us is within our souls. Trrans, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Straight, Androgynous, Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, Mixed, Able-bodied, or non able-bodied. we're all human...
Now let's stop pretending otherwise.

 All I need in this life of sin