Saturday, 31 May 2014

Hold me; even when you think I don't want it. I want it. I always want it. Hold me. Comfort me, protect me. Do it without me having to ask or hint. Just hold me. Please..

I will wait for you.
I will wait for you to be ready, I will wait till you find comfort in your actions, I will wait.
I will be patient.
I will be patient and stand by your side while you make your journey into confidence.
I will be patient through all the times I will want to hold you, or kiss you, I will be patient.
I will count the seconds until you are ready. My waist will remain cold and impatient till the day you slide your hands over them. My hands stay aching for it's partner to be fitted next to it. My lips stiff with silence, that of which will be broken with a kiss, and of that day I do await. I and every single cell in my body awaits too; for it's other half to slide symmetrically in beside it, to have it cling onto them and never let go.

I will wait for you.

The trials and tribulations of life are not something to dwell on. But instead; to learn from.  Apply knowledge and love into every situation, and that will make you truly successful.

Sunday, 25 May 2014

I didn't think I could miss someone so much in such a short amount of time. This type of yearning, missing; it hurts. It hurts to blink knowing they won't be there when you open your eyes, it hurts to breathe without being able to smell the sweet fragrance of their skin, it hurts knowing I have to go another night without falling asleep in your arms, or waking up buried in your chest. It hurts. And I don't know whether this is normal, I don't; not even 6 months and the pain of not having a life together cuts pretty fucking deep, the pain often seems so unbearable. Is that normal? Is that fucking normal? That's what I'm supposed to be asking myself right? Whether I'm normal, whether WE are normal?
Is it normal that I can see our apartment layout in it's different shades and colour schemes? Is it normal that I can see us sitting in our seats, waiting for our plane to take off on our honeymoon? Is it normal that I can see her holding my hand, comforting me, and shedding tears of joy when our first child is born? Is that normal?
I swear who even fucking cares anymore. There is no normal. There is none. Is normal drinking beer on the veranda with your husband? Is it going to dinner and being able to kiss because heterosexuality is "normal"? Maybe. But who even cares. REALLY BECAUSE I FUCKING DON'T. I want to be with my beautiful girlfriend. I want to go to dinner and have her pull me out a chair, hold my hand, and kiss me just like the rights everyone else was given. I want to walk down the main road her holding my waist; and not get any looks. I WANT HER. I swear to God she's all I want, I want my life, with her. She's my all, my everything.  And not being able to see her or be with her everyday; it KILLS me. Like everyday without her a part of me dies. All I want is to be with her. So much. So much it hurts, and stings, and burns like a hot branding iron pressing through my stomach. I'm sick of falling asleep alone. I'm sick of walking around my house and not being able to shout "baby", I'm sick of living in the world we do, having people that are so fucking "normal" around us. Because now I've had a taste of perfect, normal just doesn't cut it anymore.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Them ones when your sister calls and tells you she's having a boy KSGAHDGEYEGEJ.
God is so good

Monday, 5 May 2014

"I want to moan and writhe with you and I want to go up to you and kiss your mouth and pull you to me and say ‘I love you I love you I love you’ while stripping. I want you so bad it stings."
Bret Easton Ellis, The Rules of Attraction (via serialkiller)

Sunday, 4 May 2014

You and your girlfriend being invited on double dates by your mum and her girlfriend