Saturday 17 November 2012

I just don't know. I really don't.
I have nothing to say any more, I've come to the point where I really do not care what happens to me, I couldn't give a damn. I don't know what to do with myself, so I've just stopped fighting altogether. I'm just allowing stress to take over now, and I really am not bothered to fight it, because I have no reason to. Why should I fight? I've fought it for so long, I give up, I don't want to do it any longer. The fact is that, I dislike my life... A lot. There's no escaping the fact, and it doesn't seem to be getting any better. And no one wants to take me seriously.
I know in myself that I won't take advice, because I never accept advice, it's just how I am, I don't like it, it's  patronising.
JKagsid I'm so sick of it already, so tired.

1 comment:

  1. Don't stop fighting. fight for your friends and fight for your family but most importantly fight for yourself. If you give up the universe will lose a shining star in the sky. The universe without you will not be the same. This is not advise I know you find advise patronizing. I am simply commenting my opinion Ignore if you wish but we all have to fight. Life will always get better( cliche but true)
    I myself have pondered stopping fighting. How much easier it would be if I just stopped caring and let myself float around in this deep, deep ocean instead of fighting trying to find the air.
    I always manage to pull myself back and remember that I am on this earth for a reason. We all are. We may not know our purpose yet but that just means our talents are not needed for the time being.
    The time will come.
